Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Justice (EDIJ)
At Humana, we value equity, diversity, inclusion and justice and believe it to be integral to our mission, the impact we have in our community and enabling our employees and participants to thrive. As a team, we are working to align our EDIJ values with authentic, measurable outcomes in all areas of our organization.
Working with a leading EDIJ consulting firm, we are being guided in our work by evidence-based data and leading practices as we strive to build an anti-racist, anti-oppression culture where equity, diversity, inclusion, and justice is more than words.

EDIJ Commitment
On July 15, 2021 Humana’s CEO and Board Chair released a joint EDIJ Promise to staff, committing to training, education and agency assessments to measure the current state of EDIJ at Humana, with the promise to share findings and take actionable steps towards change.
Working with Feminuity, a full-service EDIJ consulting firm, we engaged in the following learning and discovery process in early 2022:
Assessment – Feminuity conducted an internal audit of our EDIJ knowledge, culture and practices through voluntary staff interviews and surveys
Understanding – an EDIJ assessment report outlining strengths, challenges and opportunities was provided to leadership and shared with the board of directors and all staff
Education – all staff and board members were provided the opportunity to participate in virtual interactive learning on the foundations of equity, diversity and inclusion
Strategy – Feminuity provided actionable steps for advancing our EDIJ work as an agency
Next Steps
We continue to progress in our learning as we work together to develop policies and practices that support the individuality of our people.
We commit to fostering a culture of inclusivity at Humana and to creating safe spaces where individuals are respected and feel supported to show up as their true selves, each day.
We will confront racism and oppression as active allies.
We will have difficult conversations and acknowledge when our privilege and biases impact our understanding.
We will be compassionate; learning how to hold one another accountable as we learn and grow without shaming.
We will make mistakes and will apologize and commit to doing better.
We will not quit in our pursuit of being better, because EDIJ is not a project - it is a basic human right.
Visit the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion to find
resources for your personal EDIJ learning journey.